Tax Calculations & Display
AR Guide posted this on Dec 26, 2024
Admin Dashboard > Configuration > Sales & Rentals > Tax Calculations & Display
Configuring Tax Calculations & Display Settings
Purpose of Tax Calculations & Display Settings
The Tax Calculations & Display settings in the Any.Rentals platform allow businesses to define how taxes are calculated and displayed across catalogs, shopping carts, and transactional documents such as orders, invoices, and credit memos. These settings ensure compliance with tax regulations and transparency for customers.
This feature is accessible via Admin Dashboard > Configuration > Sales & Rentals > Tax Calculations & Display.
Settings and Options Overview
1. Delivery / Shipping Tax Class
- Tax Class for Shipping:
- Purpose: Assigns a specific tax class for shipping fees.
- Effect: Determines the tax rate applied to shipping costs during checkout.
- When to Use: Use this setting to ensure shipping charges comply with local tax regulations.
2. Calculations
Tax Calculation Method Based On:
- Purpose: Determines the basis for tax calculations (e.g., unit price or total price).
- Options:
- Unit Price: Taxes are calculated for each product individually.
- Total Price: Taxes are calculated based on the total amount of the cart.
- Effect: Impacts how rounding and cumulative tax amounts are calculated.
Tax Calculation Based On:
- Purpose: Specifies the attribute used for tax determination (e.g., shipping address, billing address, or store location).
- Effect: Ensures taxes align with local jurisdiction requirements.
Catalog Prices:
- Purpose: Determines whether catalog prices include tax.
- Options:
- Including Tax: Prices displayed include applicable taxes.
- Excluding Tax: Prices displayed exclude taxes.
- Effect: Affects how prices are perceived by customers.
Shipping Prices:
- Purpose: Specifies whether shipping prices include tax.
Apply Customer Tax:
- Purpose: Configures whether customer-specific tax rules are applied.
Apply Discount On Prices:
- Purpose: Determines whether discounts are applied before or after tax calculations.
- Effect: Alters the taxable amount.
Apply Tax On:
- Purpose: Specifies whether tax is applied to the original price or the discounted price.
3. Catalog Price Display
4. Shopping Cart Price Display
Display Prices:
- Purpose: Sets whether item prices in the shopping cart include tax.
Display Subtotal:
- Purpose: Configures how subtotals are displayed (with or without tax).
Display Shipping Amount:
- Purpose: Specifies whether the shipping amount is shown with or without tax.
Include Tax In Grand Total:
- Purpose: Determines if the tax amount is included in the cart’s grand total.
Display Full Tax Summary:
- Purpose: Shows a breakdown of all taxes applied.
Display Zero Tax Subtotal:
- Purpose: Displays a subtotal even if the tax amount is zero.
5. Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos Display
Display Prices:
- Purpose: Configures whether prices on orders, invoices, and credit memos include tax.
Display Subtotal:
- Purpose: Sets how subtotals are displayed (with or without tax).
Display Shipping Amount:
- Purpose: Specifies whether shipping costs include tax.
Include Tax In Grand Total:
- Purpose: Determines if tax is included in the total amount shown on transactional documents.
Display Full Tax Summary:
- Purpose: Provides a detailed breakdown of taxes applied.
Display Zero Tax Subtotal:
- Purpose: Displays a subtotal even if no taxes are applied.